
Ei YoU! – Educational Innovation facing Y outh Unemployment

Denominazione progetto

Ei YoU! – Educational Innovation facing Y outh Unemployment



Tipologia progetto

Erasmus+ (KA2)



Il Progetto “EiYou!”, finanziato nell’ambito dei Partenariati Strategici” di ERASMUS + ha l’obiettivo di individuare approcci innovativi volti a favorire l’intreccio tra le scelte educative della scuola, i fabbisogni. professionali delle imprese e del mondo del lavoro in genere e le personali esigenze formative degli studenti. In relazione a quest’ultimo aspetto il progetto intende promuovere metodi partecipati tra studenti, sistema scolastico e mondo del lavoro volti a favorire la motivazione dei ragazzi: aspetto fondamentale per fronteggiare il fenomeno della dispersione e dell’abbandono scolastico. Nell’ambito del progetto sono previste esperienze di mobilità all’estero sia per studenti che per docenti.


Responsabile progetto

Prof.ssa Bani Cristina


Istituto Capofila / Partner:

Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca

Presente! (Austria) 

RUM Hrvatska Udruga Mladih, Croatian Youth Association (Croazia)

Future Balloons (Portogallo)

Agrupamento de EscolasFigueira Mar (Portogallo)


Kindeersite (Inghilterra)


 – Methodological Tool-kit: This tool kit is a set of guidelines and resources to support the local project teams to implement innovation and co-creation workshops.

– Online Crowdsourcing Forum: This is a collective forum where the existing members of an online network dedicated to open innovation are challenged to solve problems inserted by companies, NGOs, projects or individuals. Possible locations for this network are:http://www.openideo.com

– Transnational Report “Educational Innovation facing Youth Unemployment”: This report represents the conclusions of the 3 transnational workshops with teachers.

It will describe the problematic situations in schools and correspondent proposed solutions obtained in all intervening sources: group of teachers, project team and Online crowdsourcing.

In this report the results of each working session will be resumed, as well as the definition of the prototypes to be tested.

 – Pilot interventions in schools: During 4 months, the participating schools (partners and local partners) will be experimenting the prototyped interventions. The pilot will contribute to social experimentation methods, but considering constraints of time and resources. The principle of social experimentation is to test a policy intervention on a small population so as to evaluate its efficacy before deciding whether it should be scaled up.

 – Development of the Catalogue of Educational Innovation: The consortium will constitute a development team, made up from a researcher of each partner. This team will select and prepare the information available on interventions towards the format of the Catalogue. This work includes categorization, sequence and implementation. The text will be translated into all languages present in the consortium.

– Promotional and Dissemination transversal activities: mutliplier events, meetings, etc..


1) gather the experience from a cross-sectorial partnership (including schools, local educational authorities, a research institute and organizations dedicated to the educational innovation and creativity) to generate a framework of methodologies to support teaching  innovation.

2) co-create new interventions in schools, which will target the impact of youth unemployment in learning and in school attendance.

3) organise a crowdsourcing on-line platform where a wide educational community and other innovators can participate in the quest: “how might we overcome the motivational learning effects of youth unemployment?”

4) change the perceptions of 3 groups of students from highly impacted countries using mobility opportunities to connect with alternative education and creative learning.

5) deliver a catalogue of innovative interventions for schools and teachers to face the challenges of the new educational scenario.



Studenti 15-24 anni (generazione z, nati tra il 1994 ed il 2004)

